RiFF RAFF Talks To TMZ About Dating Katy Perry [Video]

riff raff - jmblya - interview - neon icon - tmz - katy perry - robthegenius

While out in Miami, RiFF RAFF decided to give us all a lesson on how to live life properly. Jody Highroller took some time to talk to TMZ about his recent date with Katy Perry and how the two of them might re-unite once she gets back from Belgium. Meanwhile, he had his hands full with his “cell-phone holder”. Feel free to watch this video as many times as you want.

Fellas, if you don’t get tickets to JMBLYA after watching the video below, then something is seriously wrong with you. You know Jody’s going to have a couple of cell phone holders on deck. Click the dates below to get your tickets.

RELATED: RiFF RAFF Interview (Article)
RELATED: RiFF RAFF Bootleg Kev Freestyle [Video]

Source: TMZ

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You work hard, you get what you deserve, then you die. The rest is up to you. Just enjoy this life. Ask about me.