The Underachievers Interview With HNHH [Video]

the underachievers - jmblya - issa gold - ak - cellar door: terminus ut exordium - hnhh - robthegenius

The Underachievers sat down with the people over at Hot New Hip Hop for a quick interview. Even though AK’s mic wasn’t working, fans still get some insight on things such as the Eyes of the World Tour, what the duo see themselves as, and an idea for what Cellar Door will be like sonically.

Cellar Door: Terminus Ut Exordium will be dropping later in the spring. Meanwhile, you can catch The Underachievers at JMBLYA or JMBLYA Late Nights. Click through the links below to get your tickets.

RELATED: The Underachievers – Incandescent
RELATED: Denzel Curry x Dillon Cooper Freestyle [Video]

Source: HNHH

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